- May 7, 2024 7:30 PM GMT+3
- Jerusalem, Israel
- Auction Details
Interiors 84
202 lots
Fine Art (158)
Inner Filter Options Furniture (17)
Inner Filter Options Decorative Art (16)
Inner Filter Options Collectibles (4)
Inner Filter Options Jewelry (4)
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Menashe Kadishman (12)
Yaacov Agam (8)
Marc Chagall (6)
Keith Haring (5)
Hugues Claude Pissarro (4)
1: **Leopold Survage 1879-1968 (French) Le Tour a Pied, 1934 oil on canvas
2: **Jean Dubuffet 1901–1985 (French) Animated Landscape, circa 1946 lithograph
3: **Jules Pascin 1885-1930 (Bulgarian, French) Crowd scene pen and ink on paper
5: **Francoise Gilot b.1921 (French) Anticipation, 1988 pencil on paper
6: **Fernand Leger 1881-1955 (French) Visage aux deux mains sur fond rouge (Face with Two Hands) painted and enameled ceramic
8: **Keith Haring 1958-1990 (American) Man with dolphin, 1986, New York shop marker on pop-headed paper
9: **Andre Lhote 1885-1962 (French) L'eventail, c. 1917 oil on canvas
10: **Keith Haring 1958-1990 (American) The phone is ringing, 1987 black felt marker on white cotton towel mounted on cardboard
11: **Robert Combas b.1957 (French) Two faces, 1998 acrylic on canvas
12: **Joe Downing 1925-2007 (American) Composition, c. 1960 oil on canvas
13: **Andre Brasilier b.1929 (French) Horses galloping in a seascape watercolor on paper
14: **Arman 1928-2005 (French, American) Cubist composition, 1982 bronze / sculpture
15: **attributed to (After) Andy Warhol 1928-1987 (American) Marilyn, 1967 silkscreen in colors
16: **Marc Chagall 1887-1985 (Russian, French) Self portrait with a green donkey, from Sketchbook La Reine de Saba, 1970-75 pen and oilsti.
17: **Keith Haring 1958-1990 (American) Figure on boxing glove, 1987
18: **Gregorio Vardanega b.1923 (Argentine) Espaces chromatiques, 1967 painted wood and electrical system
19: **Marc Chagall 1887-1985 (Russian, French) Le Joueur d'harmonica, 1955 oil pastel, brush and india ink on paper